5 Tips To Supercharge Your Motivation

James J. Davis
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2021


Image by the Author from Canva

There are 5 very important tips to be able to supercharge your motivation. The first is knowing exactly what you want. Motivation is the driving force behind life-enhancing change. It’s what makes you get up every morning and put one foot in front of the other when it would be so much easier to roll over and go back to sleep. It comes from knowing exactly what you want to do and having an insatiable, burning desire to do what’s necessary to get it.

Motivation is a subtle balance between “wanting” something enough and being willing to take responsibility for its achievement — willingness not coming until there is a basic level of confidence that one can achieve the desired goal if one puts forth the necessary effort.

“Knowing what you want” is a prerequisite to being motivated, because it’s only then that you can create an action plan to achieve your goal. With this map in hand, you can use motivation as your guide and go after what you really want!

The second tip is knowing why do you want it? What are the motivating factors for pursuing this particular goal? You must be able to state your reasons clearly and concisely, so that if someone asked, “Why do you want this?” you could answer without hesitation.

This needs to be very clear in your mind, so much so that it becomes automatic that there is no doubt about what motivates you. The third tip is self-discipline. It is up to you to do whatever it takes to achieve your goal.

Motivation alone will not work — you must be prepared to take responsibility for making things happen and doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done.

The fourth tip is embracing the power of your thoughts. You need a clear vision that inspires passion in your heart and captivates your mind with positive images from the future, that’s what makes possible what seems impossible by changing how you think about a situation.

The final tip is taking action every day — one small, incremental step each day toward achieving your goal can make all the difference in whether or not you succeed or fail! So don’t wait until tomorrow; start today!

Know exactly what you want. Know why you want it. Be committed to taking action every day until your goal is achieved!

The fifth tip is believing that success will come from taking the necessary actions relentlessly and without wavering — this is a MUST have — Belief — You must believe — it doesn’t need to be blind belief, but at the same time it needs to be an unwavering one. Just do not stop thinking about how can it become successful, once your mind gets on track out of all possible scenarios there must be a solution for your desired result or goal — so don’t waste time on negative thoughts, stay positive and focused.

The key here is Goal Setting. In order to achieve something you need a goal, you need to put yourself in a position to go after what you want. This is the process of setting goals that will set up for your success.

Achieving anything requires hard work and effort from yourself, but these five tips can supercharge your motivation and ensure that you achieve what you want. If you’re lacking motivation, hopefully, this has helped!

Motivation is the driving force behind life-enhancing change. It comes from knowing exactly what you want to do and having an insatiable, burning desire to do what’s necessary to get it. It keeps your dream on track as it is the power of motivation that keeps you going when the going gets tough.

