Be an expert in your field. Then your content will not only be read and linked to, but also shared on social media. You'll also open doors to many popular blogs and websites. Examples of SEO experts whose articles get thousands of views, hundreds of reposts and tweets are Matt Cutts and Rand Fishkin.
Creating unique content involves a certain time and money commitment. Ideally, a whole team of specialists should be involved in the creation of a publication to produce a truly professional, interesting product. This team includes: an author-journalist, a proofreader, a designer/photographer - at least 3 people. It does not prevent the participation of a cameraman with editing skills, for example, to complete the publication with a video material, video infographics.
Content will work better if all the platforms on which it is published and cited (blog, website, social networks, etc.) are well integrated.
Sharing and reposting content should be convenient wherever it's published. Make sure there are always social media buttons next to the content.