How To Make Your First $40,000+ In 30 Days Online

James J. Davis
6 min readOct 26, 2021


Making $40,000 in 30 days online isn’t easy and it takes a lot of dedication and persistence to do. However, if you’re willing to work for this kind of money and scale your business bigger than it is now, then you will start making more money than ever before.

Take some time to think about what would happen if today was the last day of your life. How would you feel knowing that you had lived all of your life as best as possible? Would you regret anything? Are there any areas in which you need improvement?

While we can’t see into the future with 100% accuracy, we can make an educated assumption on what we believe will happen by looking at our past behaviour and how our emotions influence us at the time. You will never know exactly how a particular choice will turn out, but you can make a prediction based on what you already know from your own experiences.

In fact, it is our emotions that drive our behaviour and influence us to take certain actions rather than others. In the book Emotional Intelligence 2.0 , author Travis Bradberry points out three things he believes are most important for success:

1) The ability to maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.

2) The management of emotion to prevent making bad decisions or mistakes in life and business.

3) Achieving goals 1 & 2 by building strong relationships with others through trust and respect for one another.

Travis suggests that you should fall in love with your work and never be satisfied with just ‘getting by’. Find your strengths and use them to accomplish great things. Embrace change, take smart risks and hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

Always make sure you have a goal (or goals) set out for yourself and take action every day toward achieving those goals. Set weekly deadlines as well as daily ones if possible so that you keep moving forward towards your end result without standing still too long.

Make adjustments along the way as needed based on feedback from others or mistakes you may find yourself making (we all make mistakes).

There is no such thing as overnight success, this is something we must all remember when we’re starting out in business or something new in life in general. Don’t expect to become rich or successful overnight as that is not how things work. If you want to grow your business and income, then take action today and learn from those around you who have already been where you are now.

Never stop learning — we must continue to push ourselves outside of our comfort zones because it’s what we don’t know that prevents us from moving forward and ultimately achieving success . It only takes one person to make a difference and if you can find someone who has gone where you wish to go, then try their training or mentorship programs (or simply reach out to them for advice).

It’s important that we measure everything along the way so that we can see how far we’ve come (and how much further we still need to go), this will help us avoid getting lost in the mix. As entrepreneurs, we must be able to track our progress each week so that we can see what’s working and what’s not when it comes to our business practices.

We should also measure how much time it takes us to achieve specific tasks, the amount of energy we put into them (or waste) and then make changes accordingly. We don’t want to work harder than is required, but longer than is healthy for us either (there’s always a happy medium).

Take action now — don’t wait until next month or even tomorrow! Whatever small step you’re planning on taking today, make sure you do it today . It only takes one second for something to go from a thought in your mind to a reality, so don’t hesitate. With each step you take, you will be one step closer to reaching the finish line and taking home the prize money!

The other thing I’ve learned over the years is that everyone has an opinion on what you should do when it comes to making money online. In fact, there are thousands upon thousands of opinions out there that claim to know exactly what it takes for anyone to be successful at anything. While some may have been lucky enough to find success overnight by following someone else’s ‘cookie cutter’ system, most people who fall into this category aren’t very happy with their lives or businesses long term because they didn’t get there all on their own .

I’ve seen it time and time again where people will start out making money online only to lose everything in the blink of an eye. The reason for this is because they were playing ‘follow the leader’. They followed someone else’s system, tried to make things fit into their lives instead of adjusting according to what works best for them and ultimately failed.

Start with copywriting. It requires only your time and no investment. Start writing today, Medium is a great platform for it.

There are too many variables involved when it comes to success in business (online or otherwise) for someone to claim that their particular strategy will work for everyone . We are all different, have different skillsets, education levels, networks of friends & family, dreams & aspirations etc., so why would something that worked for one person be guaranteed to work the same way for us? It won’t!

The only thing that could be guaranteed to work for anyone is when we take action by doing what works best for us and no one else. For example, you may read up on a new strategy to use in your business and decide to implement it straight away even though you know deep down inside that it isn’t going to work well with your current set of circumstances (time, money, relationships etc.).

Your gut instinct could be telling you not to do something because it won’t benefit you in the long run but instead of listening to that inner voice telling you that something just isn’t right, you ignore it and go ahead with implementing this ‘cookie cutter’ system into your business anyway. Only after taking action do you realize that the particular strategy just wasn’t for you.

Nothing in life is guaranteed apart from death and taxes (although some countries may argue with that latter part), so instead of trying to follow someone else’s lead, it would be worth your while to find what works best for you.

Only then can you guarantee success because you know deep down inside that whatever system or strategy you’ve found will work for your business specifically. Once you’ve done this, the possibilities are endless…

Take action now — don’t wait until next month or even tomorrow! Whatever small step you’re planning on taking today, make sure you do it today . It only takes one second for something to go from a thought in your mind to a reality, don’t hesitate. With each step you take, you will be one step closer to reaching the finish line and taking home the prize money!

So instead of wondering how in the world someone could possibly make their first $40,000 online in 30 days or less without spending a dime on traffic (which is what I’ve always wondered whenever I came across articles like this), why not take action today? You may even make your first $10 or $20 in the next couple hours. The only thing stopping you from trying it yourself is you!

If I can do it… so can YOU!!!

Visit to know more about How To Make Your First $40,000+ In 30 Days Online.



James J. Davis
James J. Davis

Written by James J. Davis

Software developer with 30 years of experience

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