I would like to complement the article and say about - SEO metadata filling
In HTML, there are several tags, which are called meta tags - this title, description, keywords, as well as the title tag h1 and h2 is important.
Title is the title of the page and it is usually displayed as the name of the link in the search engine results. Title tag should always include keywords (excuse the tautology), as well as a brief but thoroughly conveys the content of the page.
Description - a meta tag that has a brief description of the page, used by search engines for indexing, and sometimes to create annotations to the link in the output.
h1 - tag in which we write the most important title on the page - title page, table, whatever. He only one on the whole page and in writing it use high-frequency queries.
h2 - the second most important title on the page and it includes minor queries. Most often it is used to describe the main subsections.
Keywords - contains a description of the content of the page. That is, the content of the page briefly summarized in a few key words of the tag. For example, it could be the name of the section-subdivisions of the page, etc.
All of this - a key point to promote the site.
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