Smartphones Will Be Able To Determine The Degree Of Intoxication Of The Owner
Many at least once in their lives have dreamed of having some mechanism that would prevent them from calling their ex-boyfriends after drinking.
Maybe very soon it will become reality and the phone will be able to determine if its owner is tipsy and block some functions. At least that is what scientists at Stanford University in the United States are sure.
These days, modern gadgets are equipped with various sensors, including a gyroscope, which allows you to accurately determine the position of the device in space and track its slightest changes. It is this function that can be used to determine a person’s intoxication.
The researchers conducted an experiment involving 22 people between the ages of 21 and 43. Each subject was actively drinking for an hour, and then strolled along the street with a smartphone attached to his belt. All this time, the device impartially recorded the position of the body and the speed of the person’s movements.
As a result it turned out that already with 0.008% alcohol in the blood 90% of the participants of the experiment changed their gait. Professor Brian Suffoletto, who led the study argues that the smart phones of new models have everything they need to become accurate sensors of intoxication.