Caffeinated Affiliate Club Review — From $0 to $20K a Month In Affiliate Marketing

James J. Davis
16 min readNov 23, 2021


Learn How I Went From $0 to $20,000 a Month In Affiliate Income Using 100% Free Traffic
Image by the Author from Canva

Today you have to be very lazy not to start wanting to make money online, especially during the pandemic when many people stayed home.

Why did I bring this up? Because today there is a great solution to start making money online!

There are thousands of projects on the internet on this topic and many of them are very good. Many gurus like to show their screenshots with hundreds of thousands of earnings, etc. But, what is behind it?

Is it true?

That’s why I want to tell you about one famous marketer, Greg Kononenko. He is a good friend and partner of mine. For more than a year, I have been a member of his project, the Caffeinated Affiliate Club.

This post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission if you make a purchase using these links.

Caffeinated Affiliate Club Review by Greg Kononenko. This is a review of a program that teaches you how to make money when you click on people’s links. It comes with a very good sales funnel.
Caffeinated Affiliate Club Review

I read his course, searched the internet (other reviews on Greg’s project), asked my friends and many forums where I learned very good things about this “club”.

There is often something missing in most affiliate marketing courses: they are either overpriced, undervalued, promise unrealistic results, contain misleading information or do not match what you expected.

This is where Caffeinated Affiliate Club comes in. This is 100% organic traffic— it contains no useless content. All the information contained there works now! No upsells at all; what matters is to make money online now! Updates are free for lifetime.

If you want to start making money online by affiliate marketing, I highly recommend you to look more at this project! Again, 100% organic.

thousands of daily visitors 100% free traffic
image from

The biggest plus of this project is that Greg gives completely finished keyword reports (Done For You). All you have to do is choose a niche and you will start making money in it.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, and I’ll tell you about bo all in order.

What is Caffeinated Affiliate Club?

Caffeinated Affiliate Club is a comprehensive program taught by Greg Kononenko, a veteran affiliate expert. The course is 100% traffic organic, informational, and a worthy investment.

This affiliate program review gives you everything you need to make money online by following proven techniques from the world’s foremost affiliate marketer. Greg has been involved in digital marketing since 2004 and he offers everything necessary for success.

Greg Kononenko makes money by promoting a new affiliate marketing training program. If you want to learn how to make money online as an affiliate, he provides everything you need here.

A few words about Greg Kononenko

image from

Greg is the founder of Caffeinated Affiliate Club and he created it with the main purpose of helping others become successful. He had some difficulties when he first started out but once he got that breakthrough, things became more comfortable and easy going for him!

A lot of times, online marketers fail because they don’t focus on what matters most — building an army of affiliates who will promote the product or service effectively while providing value to readers.

Look at Neil Patel’s story too — success didn’t come easily for him either. It wasn’t until Greg Kononenko started using his methodologies that he began to generate high revenue.

Caffeinated Affiliate Club is a comprehensive program that is taught by Greg Kononenko, who has been an affiliate expert for over 10 years. The course contains 100% organic content, thus it’s suitable for marketers of all levels.

Members with basic knowledge can use this training to improve their skills while users who are more advanced will find the information useful as well!

Getting started is very easy — you simply create an account and begin studying the material right away. It’s super simple! Within minutes, you can start generating traffic into your blog or website! You don’t even need any prior knowledge on how to do this — once you sign up, everything is explained clearly.

There are over 40 instructional videos that cover various topics related to affiliate marketing including how to create your own website, using keywords effectively, getting free traffic, Google advertisements, and product launch among others.

Caffeinated Affiliate Club also contains 100% organic content — there’s nothing you won’t find here!

What is Caffeinate Affiliate Club About?

Caffeinated Affiliate Club is an affiliate marketing training course. It is the best course because it has something for everyone. You can learn to make money or you can get better at your job!

The benefits of being a member are that members have access to special deals, bonuses, funds and other perks.

  • You may learn how to create a website from the ground up during this program, which will provide you with a unique opportunity. Designing a professional-looking website increases your approval rates for different affiliate programs;
  • Keywords that are very profitable (Done For You) and bring in 100% free Google traffic, Yahoo, Bing;
  • Access to Greg for mentoring, coaching, and guidance is always available;
  • For any inquiries, help, or guidance, users can simply go to Greg’s website and submit a question;
  • The service comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee;
  • A closed Facebook group where you can read about other participants’ successes or ask any questions;
  • You can start with just 1 dollar! Don’t you believe it? It’s true!

I want to start right now!

Unlock over 40 video lessons covering a variety of themes as a premium member of the program. You’ll learn how to find a lucrative speciality, use keyword research methods, generate income on your website, rank your website higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), and advertise on Google among other things.

You can expect 100% organic traffic using websites that have ad placements on them.

This training course is not just an affiliate program — it’s a wealth of knowledge all in one package! Users are able to gain valuable information about the market and network with successful marketers. By joining this service, you are opening yourself up to endless possibilities for income generation online by learning how to monetize your audience effectively. The final benefit is being able to generate revenue immediately once the course starts!

8 Modules For Your Online Success

8 modules for your online success

Module 1 — Introduction

This module will teach you some important information about niche affiliate marketing.

Don’t skip this section. Here, I will tell you about what “Caffeinated Niche Club” is and how you can get the most out of it.

Most importantly, Caffeinated Affiliate Club will teach you how to quickly rank above the most reputable search engine sites. The highlight of the course is revealed in this module. There are laws that tell you exactly what should be done to make sure your website becomes a dominant power quickly.

The 1.3 module helps you will give you a high-level understanding of the types of searches people will be using to find your website online, to visit your website, and to ultimately make you money after they some your products via your affiliate links. You will learn:

  • Types of content that you can place on your website
  • How to target “informational terms” (high traffic, high competition, lower conversions)
  • How to target “category comparison” terms (medium traffic, medium competition, medium conversions)
  • Targeting “product review” keywords (low traffic, low competition, high conversions)

This can be quite challenging because it requires some special techniques to attract customers on those sites. Luckily, Greg will tell you exactly how to do that.

You have two options for promoting affiliate products — using advertisements or “creating” an audience that’s devoted to what you’re selling just like the things I recommend . Caffeinated Affiliate Club teaches both ways so there’s no need for guess work!

Module 2 — Set Up “Base” Website

In this module, you will learn how to set up your affiliate marketing “base of operations”.

  1. Why You Need a Website (Your “Base”)
  • Why you need a website
  • Why it’s impossible to be a successful affiliate without having a website
  • Broad niche sites vs Narrow niche sites

2. You need to choose the right website name. This is important for the long-term success of your affiliate website.

3. Choose Your Hosting Company. I will tell you how you can choose a good hosting company and register your first domain. You won’t have any problems. I advise you to use the best company on the market — RocketNet! What I like most about these guys is that they answer any questions very quickly and are stable. I recommend

4. Greg give you video tutorial, we will walk you through the entire process, from downloading and installing WordPress to configuring your settings and creating a blog. This guide will help you get up and running in no time!

Module 3 — Finalize Your Website

How to choose a wordpress theme for your site. Be sure to take into account the loading speed of the site as well as all the features.

If you have a problem with the logo, then there will be no more such problems. Greg fully discloses the services where you can in a few minutes to make your own unique logo.

And a lot more everything else you need to fully work the website.

Module 4 — Traffic Essentials

In this module, we will talk about the essentials of traffic generation.

If there is no traffic, there are no deals.

In this module you will learn:

  • How one simple post generated over 100,000 pageviews for my website
  • Why Google Search is the best traffic type
  • Important metrics to pay attention to: Domain Authority, Page Authority, Content Quality
  • How even a weak website can outrank a website such as Wikipedia

Typs of content to produce which will bring traffic:

  • “Review” searches and examples
  • “Category” searches and examples
  • “Info” searches and examples

Let’s discuss the different tools and software to help you with your website:

  • The Niche Research and Keyword Research Packs that come with your membership
  • Google Keyword Planner is a very useful tool for PPC campaigns or SEO
  • Semrush, Ahrefs and Mangools KWFinder

Module 5 — Affiliate Networks

Now it’s time to join some affiliate networks. By now, you should have a website that looks professional and has some initial content on it. Go ahead and register for these affiliate networks.

Clickbank, Shareasale and CJ are networks that have a huge variety of merchants in different categories. Each network has between 3,000 and 15,000 different affiliate programs. This will keep you busy for a while

In this module, you will learn:

  • More about each network
  • Exactly how to join each network

WarriorPlus and JVZoo are two networks which are focused on the internet marketing niches. They don’t have any requirements, so anyone, from any country, can sign up and start promoting the products.

  • About the networks
  • How to join each of them

Module 6 — Keyword Research

In this module, you will show how to find excellent keywords with very low competition. This is a very valuable skill, so please try to go through these videos in detail.

You will show how to find evergreen product review keywords. These keywords will attract ongoing traffic to your website.

  • What to look for in the product name
  • Examples of some excellent keywords
  • How to validate that the keyword has ongoing search demand

You will learn how to make sure that you actually have a good chance of outranking the competitors that are currently in top-10 of Google search results:

  • Checking the length of competitors’ posts and why it matters
  • How to organise your research
  • What to pay attention to, and what matters for a good chance of outranking top-10

Module 7 — Content Creation

Content is one of the most important elements to rank your site. If you do not have fresh, high quality content on a regular basis, it’s very difficult (and expensive) to achieve any kind of traction online.

In affiliate marketing you need to create a site and grow an audience. You can’t accomplish this by simply getting traffic and throwing out crappy content and hoping it sticks. It doesn’t work like that, if it did we would all be making $10,000 per day! So the goal here is to find good topics and write about them in such a way that your audience will want more from you, forming an authority as you do so.

You can make a post on your website where you talk about a product. This is how to make the post:

  1. Write what you think of the product.
  2. Give a rating for it from 1–5 stars, with 5 being the best.
  3. Write if it would be good for certain people or not.
  4. Add pictures from when you used it and write something about them.
  5. Finally, end with how long you have had the product and what you think of that time period as well as what could be improved upon in that time period — this is most useful if your review is more than one paragraph long so people know exactly what they are reading before they go to buy something!

I strongly encourage you to try writing your personal 10K words for free with a new service — Jarvis!

Module 8 — Growing Site Authority

This module is dedicated to growing and expanding your site and its’ authority.

This includes how to target more traffic, what kind of content to use on your pages, publish guest posts, how to promote it, and even some tips on working with the media. This is probably the most important part of any affiliate program because this is where you can potentially get targeted traffic that will convert into sales for you.

Greg covers several topics in depth including writing articles for SEO purposes, linking them back to your site using root domains vs sub-domains (and which one he recommends), the importance of having a blog, and much more.

  • Installing Google Analytics
  • Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) are the measures of your website’s strength in the eyes of Google.
  • Authority Growth Plan
  • The simplest way to grow your site’s authority is to publish guest posts on other people’s blogs.
  • Finding Guest Post Opportunities using Google
  • The Facebook Method of Finding Guest Post Opportunities
  • How to Create the Guest Post

Weekly “Done For You” Keyword Reports

Every Monday, new keyword reports will be updated and added into the section below.

All you have to do is just choose the products that you want to promote and follow what will be written in the reports.

Finding high-quality, low-competition keywords that can both generate 100% free Google traffic AND result in affiliate sales may be difficult. It’s stressful, especially for someone who is new to the area.

That’s why, each week, Greg has decided to give you 5 new keyword reports. The following is a list of everything that comes in this package:

  • Every Monday, a fresh document is published revealing the top 5 high-potential terms.
  • Each report contains between 1 and 10 unique keywords to target right now in order to acquire visitors.
  • With each keyword, you’ll get exact items to promote.
  • Each of the keywords that have shown to generate traffic and earn money will receive its own page.

After you’ve received each report, all you have to do is follow my instructions to produce basic content for this term with a high probability of obtaining organic Google search traffic.

Join now and look at the reports! $1 Trial for 14 Days

Coaching and Support

Most millionaires made their money by working with others. It can be hard to make a lot of money on your own, but you can learn from someone who has experience. Greg Kononenko is the man with the plan.

Because of his vast experience, you can learn a lot from him. He has learned how to be successful by working with others so why not tap into that knowledge? His Caffeinated Affiliate Club course will teach you everything you need to know about affiliate marketing. You will learn what motivates people to click on your links and buy the products or services. Greg knows what works and he shares it during this training program.

The system is easy to learn, but it does take work for you to be successful using the techniques taught in the course. The results are worth it though because you can potentially earn thousands of dollars per month just by promoting other people’s products! Over students enrolled in this course and many of them are already seeing success. You can too!

So here’s what I have set up:

  • If you need help, you can go to the Helpdesk and put in a ticket. Or, if someone is having the same problem and it’s on Facebook, they might be able to help.
  • If you are feeling stuck, ask Greg anytime what to do next.
  • Have you noticed anything that isn’t working? Inquire about the situation if you have any concerns.
  • At your fingertips, you’ll find guidance and mentorship.
  • No topic or issue is too big or little. It might be as easy as “is this a good niche?” or “is this a good keyword?,” or it might be quite complicated, such as “I am getting 1,000 visitors every day but few sales; what can I do to improve?”

Greg is always available to help you and responds to all inquiries within 24 hours (or less).

You’ll receive the highest quality training and mentorship at Caffeinated Affiliate Club, ensuring a smooth and successful beginning.

earnings on ClickBank

How Much Does the Program Cost?

The training program for affiliate marketing is cheaper than other courses. But it is worth it since it offers a lot of value and you will not regret paying for it.

The product offers a lot of value because it teaches you how to create your own affiliate websites and blogs if you want to do so. And you can choose what niche or topic you want to enter. If you are successful, the sky is the limit for results.

In addition, the training program also provides a list of different niches that keep on growing with information from Greg, who has been in this industry for more than 10 years.

The site’s layout is simple and straightforward. Customers are presented with three different investing options, with their pros and drawbacks clearly stated in the description for each option.

You can try it out for 14 days for $1 if you’re not satisfied; after that, expect to pay at least $37 per month. Alternatively, you may pay an annual fee of $137, which is a fantastic price for people searching for a long-term investment.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes, they are.

If you’re unhappy with the program or your subscription, or if they charge you by accident because you forgot to cancel your membership, you have a 60-day money-back guarantee.

If you really want to become an affiliate marketer, I would not miss out on this course — it’s will help me a lot and I think many others as well. You can buy it here!

Is Caffeinated Affiliate Club legit?

Most reviews for Caffeinated Affiliate Club are positive because it’s a high-quality program that’s worth what you pay. The lessons walk you through a proven process for increasing traffic, getting people to buy products, reviews and conversions.

Greg has been in affiliate marketing since 2004 when he began his own “Caffeinated Website” back when blogs were just catching on. In many ways affiliate marketing hasn’t changed in the past 12 years but there have been some changes requiring adjustments also covered here in detail with PDF downloads, videos and DOCX files so you won’t have to take notes.

Caffeinated Affiliate Club reviews by customers — students

Affiliate Marketing is a legitimate business model that provides many choices for the entrepreneur including affiliate network sites, blogging, building your own store or selling other people’s products. The latter of these options is the easiest way to make money online.

However, if monetizing content on someone else’s website is what you want then this program covers everything you need know to be successful. Greg has been telling people how they can make money online since 2006 with his Caffeinated Website and he now runs Caffeinated Affiliate Club with Randy Gage teaching an extensive list of proven techniques for success in 2014.

My Recommendation

Caffeinated Affiliate Club is a trustworthy affiliate marketing education program that can help you generate money online. It’s ideal for anybody, especially those who are new to the scene.

The training will teach you how to optimize your content using SEO in order to rank higher. The high-quality training works like a charm, and you can make money by doing absolutely nothing other than using the recommended techniques. Get started with Caffeinated Affiliate Club now!

Caffeinated Affiliate Club is designed for promotional purposes. This affiliate marketing training program will help you increase your revenue, traffic, sales, and profits. Marketers that are tired of being misled should take action right now.

The training teaches innovative ways to use content as leverage to rank higher in Google SERPs so you’ll have better visibility online. This will lead to an increased number of organic visits from potential clients which translates into more sales opportunities.

Greg Kononenko is not only an SEO expert but also an affiliate marketer who uses his own experience to teach what he has learned. The training program is designed for beginners who are yet to establish an online presence. It will help them get started on the right foot providing them with all the information they need to succeed including useful tips and tricks about affiliate marketing.

This digital marketing education program was developed by Greg Kononenko, a respected marketer who knows his business well. He gets over 100k monthly visitors on his sites which means that there’s plenty of room for improvement because this figure doesn’t reflect his primary site traffic volumes.

What can you expect from Caffeinated Affiliate Club?

This professional affiliate marketing course contains training material. There are step-by-step tutorials that offer detailed steps on how to use search engine optimization techniques.

You will get access to more than 40videos which cover different aspects of SEO, content marketing, and link building + Secret Facebook group!

Throughout the course you’ll learn how to increase your chances of success by marketing online in a manner that is much more effective than traditional advertising. Get started with Caffeinated Affiliate Club now!

Enrol now to learn more about affiliate marketing techniques that work!

